STI/SDGs: UN ECOSSOC Partners Afrihealth, CSOs For Global Conference On May 3, 2021.

…..As Groups Set For Global Science And Technology, Innovation/SDGs Workshop On May 3, 2021 via Zoom

Dear Civil Society Stakeholders and STI Actors;

Contemporary and future global economies and development systems need to be knowledge-driven and anchored around Science, Technology and Innovation including intellectual properties, ICT (information and communications technology), health/COVID-19 and energy/climate, among others.

These can never be achieved if the civil society continues to be largely left out of the efforts to achieve knowledge-based and STI-driven economies especially in Africa and developing countries (low income and middle income). The world needs to deliberately harness the abundant (potential) STI competences and development resources within the civil society and our communities.

It’s important to recognize and engage the civil society organizations [CSOs] and communities as critical partners in creating demand and accountability for STI research and knowledge generation, depository, dissemination and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

These capacity and engagement are needed at all levels of society and governance in order to ‘build back better’ and achieve the Agenda 2030 SDGs during and beyond COVID-19, towards achieving Agenda 2063.

To this end, Afrihealth Optonet Association invites Civil Society actors and STI stakeholders to the Symposium Workshop on ‘The Place of the Civil Society in using Science, Technology and Innovation to achieve sustainable and resilient COVID-19 recovery, and the Sustainable Development Goals: imperative of paradigm shifts to leave no one behind’.

This event shall be held on the sideline of the sixth annual United Nations multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) holding from 4 to 5 May 2021.


“The Place of the Civil Society in using Science, Technology and Innovation to achieve sustainable and resilient COVID-19 recovery”, “And the Sustainable Development Goals: Imperative of paradigm shifts to leave no one behind”.

WHEN: May 3, 2021 04:00 PM West Central Africa

VENUE: Virtual via Zoom

RESERVATIONS: Register in advance for this meeting via (clicking on) this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The symposium shall also receive interventions from notable panelists across the world, activists, participants and stakeholders in vaccine and immunization, in a global audience.

Afrihealth Optonet Association is a community-focused civil society organization [CSOs] network/think-tank of about 1000 CSOs with interests in the promotion of Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and achievement/realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in the global South.

AFRIHEALTH Network and its members are involved in Health; Nutrition and Food Security; Energy and Environment; and Empowerment, Gender/women empowerment, Good Governance and Human Rights.

Incorporated in Nigeria as a not-for-profit, non-religious and non-partisan registered trustees in 2003, AFRIHEALTH uses Partnerships/Collaborations (PPP); Advocacy and Mobilisations; Research/Evidence-Generation; Capacity Development/Training and Organizational Strengthening; Outreaches/Community Interventions; and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) – called PARCOM Strategy to achieve its objectives; while focusing on rural and poor urban communities, marginalized, vulnerable and disadvantaged populations especially women, children, adolescents and elderly.

Its target beneficiaries include the poorest of the poor, children/infants and orphans, women, youth/adolescents, vulnerable population/groups and the elderly in rural and urban/suburban communities.

Afri-health Optonet Association has a Consultative Status at the United Nations ECOSOC.

Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje

CEO/Global Coordinator & Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Afrihealth Optonet Association [CSOs Network] – with consultative status at UN ECOSOC

1 Taiwo Close, Toronto Junction; MCC Rd, Uratta, P.O. Box 1484, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

Plot 520, Federal Housing Authority Estate, Airport Road, Lugbe; P.O. Box 8880, Abuja; Nigeria

Twitter: @uaadirieje;


Instalgram: @druzoadirieje;


Skype: druzoadirieje,;



Phone, Telegram & WhatsApp: +234 803 472 5905

Telegram (HEFOSS link):



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