……..UNESCO Laureate Endorses Dr Tajudeen Oladejo As Rector of ILIIST Polytechnic, Ile-Ife
….. Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu Describes Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo As A Seasoned Lecturer, Religious Scholar & Media Guru.
By Victor Bieni
Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu, UNESCO laureate
The Chairman Governing Council of Ibikunle lawal Institute of Innovative Studies and Technology Ile ife Nigeria has endorsed Dr Tajudeen Abefe Oladejo as a Rector of this newly established Private Polytechnic which is located in Ile ife Nigeria
According to His Royal Highness Duke of the Kingdom of Atlantis of Singapore, The Vice-Chancellor, Crown University International Chartered Inc USA with its teaching and research hospital Campuses located at Santa Cruz province in Argentina, Brazil and Spain with official partners constituents Campuses at government regulated Universities worldwide and online operation, has described Dr. Oladejo Tajudeen Abefe as seasoned lecturer, Islamic religious scholar and media guru as he endorses him as rector of Ibikunle Lawal Institute of Technology, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
VC CUICI, USA made this remark today being on Monday, December 18, 2023 in press statement made available to some group of Journalists in Osogbo, Osun State capital by UNESCO laureate’s Executive Assistant On Media, Publicity & Communication Matters, Comrade Sir Bieni Victor Emenike as institution’s Governing Board Council Chairman says, Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe is Excellently qualified as rector
Ibikunle Lawal Institute of Technology (ILIIST), Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, an innovative enterprise Institution is approved and licensed by Federal Government of Nigeria through the National Board For Technical Education as a recognised Polytechnic and an official partner constituent campus of Crown University International Chartered Incorporated, USA.
UNESCO laureate noted that, whose areas of specialization, research interests as an Islamic religious scholar, Lecturer hinges on Islamic Finance, Islamic Theology, Islamic Movement, Religion & Media, has vast experience in higher education administration. Prof Aremu added that, ILIIST Polytechnic, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria is the first private Institute in Osun State, Nigeria that focuses on vocational & innovative education established to promote skill-oriented international quality education for its graduate to innovate and launch new industries, cater for the public health in all walks of life, manage business and create jobs across Nigeria and Africa.
He said: “No doubt, currently, Ibikunle Lawal Institute of Technology (ILIIST) Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria has the following programmes: A-National Vocational Certificate Programmes in courses such as Computer Studies, Agriculture, Mechatronics & Tourism Studies, B- National Innovative Diploma Programmes on courses such as: Paralegal Studies, Business Informatics, Computer Software Engineering, Islamic Law & Islamic Banking. And Higher National Diploma in courses such as: Nursing & Midwifery, Public Health & Health Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Science Laboratory Technology & Reproductive Health Technology”.
UNESCO laureate’s statement reads in parts: “Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe, a seasoned world educator, Islamic religious scholar, Lecturer and Media Guru is a Doctorate Degree holder in Journalism and Islamic religion. Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe was born on 2nd February, 1975. He is a native of Iwo, Iwo Local Government of Osun State, Nigeria. He attended Chartered Intl. Da Vinci University, USA from 2019 – 2022, West Coast Intl. University of Sc., Tech, Magt. and Arts, USA from 2017 – 2019, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria from 2007 – 2017”.
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe also attended National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna from 2015 – 2016, International Institute of Journalism, Abuja from 2013 – 2014, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria from 2000 – 2004. He also attended Sharíah College of Nigeria from 1997 – 2000. Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe attended Iwo Grammar School, Iwo, Osun State from 1991 – 1996. And Ansarudeen Primary School, Akinfenwa, Iwo, Osun State from 1983 – 1989”.
” As a seasoned Scholar, his Academic & Professional Qualifications with Dates are as follows: Ph.D. in Journalism in 2021 (On hold), Master of Arts Degree in Journalism 2018 (On hold), Ph.D. Religious Studies (Islamic Studies Option) in 2017, M.A. Religious Studies (Islamic Studies Option) in 2012, Post GraduateDiploma in Journalism in 2014, Post Graduate Diploma in Education in 2015, B.A Islamic Studies in 2004, National Youth Service Corps in 2006, Nigerian Institute of Management in 2006, Arabic Certificate in 2000, Diploma in Shari’ah Law in 2000, Secondary School Certificate Examination in 1996, General Certificate Examination in 1999, and Primary School Certificate in 1989″.
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe is a member of different Professional Bodies and Voluntary Organizations such as: Fellow, International Chartered World Learned Society in 2022, Fellow, of Chartered World Institute of Encyclopaedia of Books in 2023. His Areas of Specialisation, Research interests are: Islamic Finance, Islamic Theology, Islamic Movement, Religion and Media”.
“Dr Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe’s Theses and Dissertations are as follows: A Study of Revivalism and Islamic Youth Movements in Iwo, Osun State – A masters’ thesis submitted to the Department of Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 2012.
A Study of Para-Islamic Financial Institutions in Southwestern Nigeria: A Ph.D thesis submitted to the Department of Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 2017.
Impact of Electronic Media on Religious Propagation: A Case Study of Reality Radiovision Station, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria- A thesis of Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism submitted to International Institute of Journalism, Abuja, 2014.
Effect of Technical Education among Secondary School Students in Osun State – A thesis of Postgraduate Diploma in Education Submitted to National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna, 2015″.
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe had Published Articles in both National And International Journals included amongst others are: T.A Oladejo: Digital Dawah in contemporary society publishers in journal of African society for the study of sociology and ethnics of Religions, T.A Oladejo: Caliph Abubakr’s Administrations: An exemplary remedy to Nigerian Political Problems in Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, University of Jos, T.A Oladejo: Wealth and Debt Management in Islam in Journal of Enterprises and Development”.
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe had edited Books and MMagazines which included amongst others are: Usamot B.A, (2021) Islam and Liberation Struggles in the World ( The Goodtidings Press, Ibadan), At-Tamkeen Magazine, Publication of Jama’atu Ta’awunil Muslimeen Society of Nigeria (vols 10- 25), Al-Ghurabah, Publication of Ansarul Huda Islamic Organisation (Vol. 1)”
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe’s work Experiences with Dates are as follows: He had served Crown University International Chartered, USA (Africa Constituents Campus) From 2018 till date, where he held position as Senior Lecturer. He had served at University of Benin, Benin City, where he held position as Adjunct lecturer in Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies 2016 – 2018”.
” Also served in Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria where he held the position of Associate Lecturer. Al-Fatihu Educonsult and Investment Limited, Iwo, Osun State. from 2015 Till Date. He had equally held position as Chief Researcher/Consultant, while serving at Assanusiyyah College of Education, Ode-Omu, Osun State.2010 – 2016 (Iwo Study Centre). He had held position as H.O.D Islamic Studies, while serving at Al-Ummah College of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Iwo, Osun. Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe had served at (An Affiliate of University of Ilorin) where he held position as Registrar 2009-2014″.
“He had Also served at Al-Iblag Information , Centre, Iwo Osun State.2006 – 2015 where he held the position of a
(Publisher, At-Tamkeen Magazine) where he held the position of Editor-in-Chief
At Government Day Secondary School, Charanchi, Katsina State2005 – 2006, held the position of a Class Teacher, bagged Merit Awards as: The Best Corp Member ever served more dedicatedly and efficiently in Charanchi Local Government Area of Katsina State, Nigeria during the 2005/2006 Batch ‘B’ service year”.
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe during his service year was issued Certificate of Commendation for commendable service during 2005/2006 Batch ‘B’ service year in Katsina State, Distinguished Role Model Award by The Wings Schools, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria in 2018. His extra-curricular activities are: Football and Table-tennis. His areas of skills proficiency are: Writing and Public Speaking”.
“Dr. Tajudeen Oladejo Abefe will work together with us being a member of Governing as a council of ILIIST Polytechnic, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. We will work as a team. We are saddle with the responsibilities of promoting the overall well-being of the Institution in terms of sustainability, corporate strategy, associated plans and budget. Also, to promote the general control and superintendency of the policy, finances and any other duty that may be assignedy from time to time. We are charged with the duties of determining major business decisions and corporate policies, the framework of governance, management and monitoring institutional and Executive performance”.