*Insecurity:”Stop Playing Politics With Human Lives”, Convener of Country First Movement Tells FGN, The Political Class*.

My Late Younger Sister; The 14 Year Old Son of The Judge in Kaduna; And The Many Victims of the Pervasive Kidnap For Ransom Business Shall Stand in Judgment Against Nigeria And The Political Class. – Prof Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.

I woke up with tears in my eyes and characteristic with the dictate of my soul, I proceeded to process the impious State of national security, the Politics of it, and the lame albeit draconic platitudes of the operators of State.

The alleged heartrending murder yesterday of the 14 years old son of the Kaduna Judge who was kidnapped with her 4 sons left me utterly heartbroken. Will the idiotic partisan obscurantist and soulless Cashtivist out there realize that we are in the Golgotha? Will they understand that the souls of the innocent victims of the murderous and marauding non-State actors killing, maiming and dishing out human barbecues in pursuit of bloodstained Ransom will stand in Judgement against Nigeria and against the Political Class?

Will they ponder about the fate of the many victims of Chibok, Dapchi, Mubi, Gwoza, and the hundreds of thousands of families that have fallen victim of the awful failure of State ditto the less than encouraging spate and State of national security. Since 2004/2005 it has been a progressive descent to abyss. One government after another blames the other, but nothing has changed. We are albeit hopelessly ensconced in this terrible and rock-struck Titanic. And if nothing is done quickly, we shall meet its horrible comeuppance as a nation and a polity.

The many silly debates and idiotism on our political kaleidoscope are apparently the karmic recompense of a nation that undervalues human lives and blood. This nation has gone mad and our political operators manifestly insane. And this is the cosmic result of playing politics with human lives and refusing to protect the poor and the needy.

In 2015 I lost my immediate younger Sister Mrs Patricia Amitaye nee Nwaokobia to kidnappers around the Eku/Orerokpe axis. Since then the same fate has befallen several families, and all you hear are platitudes from government, as the situation becomes sickening ad nauseam ad infinitum.

Innocent young girls were taken away from Chibok a year before that, 10 years after hundreds of them are unaccounted for. A few years after the same fate befell the Dapchi community, and several other families have been victims after that, and nothing has changed. Suicide Bombings have returned, kidnap for ransom has become the most lucrative business after looting, governmental larceny and corruption, and Partisans think that we will not all be judged? I worry.

When a family in Deidei/Kubwa, FCT, Abuja was taken away and the eldest child murdered a few months ago before Ransom allegedly in hundreds of million was paid to rescue the family from captivity, I wept. Now we are all in trouble. What case will the soul of the 14 years old son of a Judge in Kaduna murdered yesterday make against Nigeria and her Political Class before the Almighty? The impish operators still holding the mother and her 3 other sons have asked for 300m Naira ransom. It is their pain, until we all become victims. And sooner rather than later if nothing strong is done, we shall all definitely be judged.

Since the Government considered it right to return to the old national anthem, must it not consider scrapping the NYSC, freeing Maxi Nnamdi Kanu, and effectively listen to the call for Restructuring? Must State Police and devolution of power not come tops on its to-do-list? Must Politics, Profligacy and crash populism take preeminence over the primacy of lives and property? Indeed ours is a nation like no other.

But I have long decided not to do long writings on Nigeria ever again, and I shall not break that covenant here, all this is about, is to tell Nigeria and her Political Class that those who play politics with the lives of the people and the protection of the citizenry shall reap a horrendous comeuppance better imagined than experience. This nation will continue to suffer until something is done quickly to stem the murderous reign of wickedness. And to those who will judge this effort from partisan, regional, religious, and or sectional embers may the Judgment to come first be yours.

Prof Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.

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