*Ebenezer Chukwugozim Nsaka: Aided By Equality, Projected By Dynamism.*

Ebenezer Chukwugozim Nsaka: Aided By Equality, Projected By Dynamism.

Ebenezer Chukwugozim Nsaka aspires to lead Aniocha North Local Government Area into an era of democratic advancement, where every voice will be heard, popular aspirations aggregated and real time development taking place.

An overview of Mr Nsaka’s background clearly places him as a man that possesses the ability to drive growth and bring development to Aniocha North LGA, and PDP can indeed consider itself at an advantage heading into the Council elections.

However, the aspiration of this Onicha-Olona philanthropist and vibrant personality Ebenezer Nsaka, is propelled by not just by an upbringing that has instilled discipline and time and resource management abilities in him, which Aniocha North can benefit from.

He originates from a place in the Council which is yet to produce the Chairman of the council, since creation of Delta State.

At a time when instruments and avenues of Unity and togetherness are being sought after, Ebenezer Chukwugozim Nsaka’s aspiration presents the golden opportunity to help Onicha-Olona produce Chairman of the Council.

Through the length and breadth of Aniocha North LGA, the echoes of equity and equality are rife.

At every corner of the markets, schools, offices and squares that dot the expanse of land spanning Issele-Uku, Obior, Obomkpa, Onicha-Ugbo, Onicha-Uku etc, the temperament of the people of Aniocha North is aggregated at ceding the slot to Olona.

As Ebenezer Chukwugozim Nsaka aspires for the Chairmanship of Aniocha North, the golden opportunity for PDP presents itself through this Philanthropist and Vibrant youth.

His Plans Are Noble, His Aspiration Is Ideal And The Time Is Right.

Nominate and Support Ebenezer Chukwugozim Nsaka For Chairman of Aniocha North LGA 2024.


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