*****Int’l Conference On Anti-Corruption: UN invites UNESCO Laureate To Gain Insights
****Anti-corruption Fight: Aremu Commends UN On Invitation To Join Advocacy, Assessing Companies’ Compliance
*UN Global Compact Academy, UNODC Says, “Anti-Corruption Compliance In Companies Key To Measuring Best Practices
By Victor Bieni, Asaba
United Nations Global Compact in collaboration with United Nations Office On Drugs And Crimes, has invited UNESCO Laureate and Vice-Chancellor, Crown University USA, Prof. Bashiru Aremu to join forces with them to gain insights, delve into the intricacies of measuring, assessing Anti-corruption compliance programs; promoting key performance indicators and best practices towards building sustainable companies globally.
In a statement today being Friday, March 29, 2024 as personally signed by Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu which was made available to some group of Journalists in Asaba, Delta State capital by UNESCO Laureate’s Executive Assistant On Media, Publicity and Communication Matters, Comrade Sir Bieni Victor Emenike as H.R.H Duke of Kingdom of Atlantis in Singapore commended the leadership of UN Global Compact Academy in collaboration with UNODC on invitation to international conference to gain insights and join in the campaign.
UNESCO Laureate while applauding the development, stated that the positive efforts will enable every concerned Stakeholders to get practical insights from experts and practitioners in the field of Anti-corruption compliance programs as Aremu thanked the UN bodies on laudable initiatives, while he enjoined stakeholders on building sustainable companies through effective measurement of key performance indicators and best global practices.
UN Global Compact Academy, UNODC as part of its mission and vision statement which is in line with the deep dive series on Anti-corruption will dwell on the topic: Measuring Anti-corruption Compliance In Companies” as the struggle is needed to build formidable companies and stakeholders.
The Statement by UNESCO Laureate reads in parts: “I express optimism over the development on this invitation to attend the Int’l Conference On Anti-Corruption, a laudable initiatives of the UN Global Compact Academy in collaboration with UNODC to join the UN bodies on Thursday, 4 April, 2024 at Global webinar event series and live interactive session. I must commend the leadership, the various experts and practitioners in the field as resource persons to feature in the session. It will be an interesting one as it will feature live translation to French, Spanish and Portuguese”.
“This, no doubt, will improve measures, policies, frameworks, methodologies, analyse metrics or performance indicators, ensure continuous monitoring and improvement, harness technology and data analytics, navigate challenges of data privacy, regulatory landscapes, inform investors decision, maintenance of ethical standards, and foster culture of integrity by companies and Stakeholders”.
United Nations Global Compact Academy in a letter of invitation to UNESCO Laureate, Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu to attend the bodies Global Deep Dive series on Anti-corruption: ‘Measuring Anti-corruption Compliance In Companies’, has stated: ” Join us on Thursday, 4 April at 10:00 am EST for an interactive live session developed in collaboration with UNODC. This session aims to delve into the intricacies of assessing anti-corruption compliance programs, offering insights into effective measurement strategies, key performance indicators and best practices”.
“During this session, you will get practical insights from experts and practitioners in the field on the importance of anti-corruption, how to evaluate and improve measures and policies. As companies implement various anti-corruption ethics and compliance measures within their operations, it becomes increasingly important to track and analyse metrics, adjusting to actions to improve performance and ultimately contribute to fight against corruption”.