*1000% Minimum Wage Increment: “Ajaero & Osifo Trojans of Now. Thanks To NLC & TUC On Commitment To Take Back Our”- Convener of Country First Movement-Prof Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.*

*****Ajaero And Osifo Trojans Of Now. Thanks To NLC and TUC For Raising The Progressive Bar.

Let no one call them names, they have raised the Progressive Bar remarkably high, perhaps the highest since the 2012 Ojota Fuel Hike protestation. Yours sincerely was heavily involved in that siege against Jonathan’s Administration (in fact I addressed the rally in Ojota several times through the near two weeks of that popular action), a siege that was supported in cash and kind by the present watchman President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Against formidable attrition and debauchery, against the threat of jail and imprisonment, against a government that is squandamania oriented, and against a government sold to propaganda and gaslighting, they rose, they mobilized and shut down the nation with intent to call government to address the need for living wage, and they did so effectively, effectually and efficiently for 48 hours. I’m impressed and enamoured by the commitment of the NLC and the TUC to Take Back Our Country for good with the call for Living Wage as veritable weapon. Kudos.

Also impressive is the suspension of the Strike (Industrial Action) with a timeline. In 5 days time if the negotiation for Living Wage for Nigerian Workers remains a hard-call for government, the Civil Society, the Progressive left and the Nigerian Studentry must join forces with organized Labour to rescue the soul of our nation from the hoard of rampaging buccaneers feasting on our collective patrimony with reckless abandon.

In the one year of the present watch, the government has shown an uncanny predilection to wastage and wanderlust. See instances and questions that dominate the social media space and ask yourself why the government is slow about the need for a healthy minimum wage for the Nigerian worker whereas on all fronts it has shown an unbriddled penchant for profligacy. READ..

® N90B for Hajj.
-N4B Cars for BAT.
-N2B Cars for RAT.
-N58B SUVs for NASS.
-N37m Monthly for NASS
-N7B for Shettima’s House.
-500m for each NASS member.
-N3TN budget padding by NASS.

But you say the NLC doesn’t deserve at least N150,000 monthly salary? – Author Unknown.

Reading further one would wonder why the present watch appears impervious to logic, they appear completely focussed on mendacious inveigle and perfidy, with soulless propaganda as chief BUT I’m glad for Trojans Ajaero and Osifo, and I’m thankful to providence that hurricane TUC and NLC is here. READ…

©In as much as I believe the 1000% minimum wage increment that NLC is seeking is outrageous and untenable, the FG needs to answer some vital questions:

  1. What are we doing with a bi-camera legislature? Why do we need the Senate and the House of Representatives?
  2. What are we doing with a Presidential Yacht, and why do we need a Presidential fleet of 10 airplanes?
  3. Why was there a 300% increment on the salaries of Federal Judges, and why did the FG need to buy new SUVs for Ministers, Senators and Members of HoR?
  4. Where did the FG get over ₦80 billion to finance the needless foreign trips of the President and his Vice within a year?
  5. Where did the FG get the ₦100 billion used to finance the Muslim pilgrimage in 2024?

Until the FG is able to provide answers to these pertinent questions, they have no right or moral justification not to increase the minimum wage by at least 200%. Credit: Femi Falana SAN.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, we must therefore rise up and organize rather than agonize. We must close ranks and forge ahead with the NLC and TUC rather than break ranks. We must show to those who criticize and oppose our cause that the Hallmark of Patriotism is a critical mass, and proactive opposition. Once again I salute organized Labour for rising to be counted.

‘E Soweto E Africa… Solidarity Forever!!!’


Prof Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.

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